
Hal Varian...good Guidance to Build economic model

Ini adalah inti pemikiran Hal Varian__
yah tentunya akan berguna buat yg lagi pusing menyusun tesis and disertasinya...hehehehe

Berdasarkan working papernya "How to Build Economic Model in Your Spare Time"
university of california,Berkeley...19 januari 1994...

1).Pertama pasti mencari ide/masalah,but Look the idea in the world not in the journals...
--Fundamental error dari para peneliti adalah melakukan yg sebaliknya..

2).Firts make your models as simple as possible,then generalize it..
--Pendekatan induktif..dari khusus ke umum..Varian say.."KISS"=keep it simple STUPID...huhuhu..om Eistein mengatakan "everything should be as simple as possible..but not simpler"..

3).Look at Literatur later,not sooner..
--Lebih fokus dulu mengeksplor ide yg ada..tidak berdasarkan pemikiran penelitian lain..

4).Model your paper after your seminar..

5).Stop when You've made point..

---try it---no one said research would be easy. But this is a point where you really have a chance to learn something|read more carefully and ask yourself \Why didn't I do that?" If someone started with the same idea as you and carried it further, you want to see what you missed..

tambahan sikit lah..

ini joke_nya varian ..

katanya neh..academic papers itu terbagi menjadi 3 bagian. The
fi rst part, everyone can understand,masih bisa mengangukkan kepala pokonya. The second, only a handful of readers can understand,
jari-jari tangan udah mulai memijat kening.The last part no one can understand,udah geleng2 kepala pkonya..he3|
that's how the readers know it's a serious piece of work!..keep spirit..!!!

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